Pilbara Ports is committed to building a more sustainable and prosperous future for our port users and the communities in which we operate.
To help us identify issues that are important to both our communities and stakeholders we have developed a sustainability framework.
The framework includes a four-step method:
The four sustainability themes identified are People, Planet, Prosperity and Partnerships.
Pilbara Ports Approach to Sustainability document outlines the material issues and associated goals relating to these themes, with 75 initiatives identified. These initiatives form part of Pilbara Ports business planning to ensure they are adequately resourced and funded.
Pilbara Ports has implemented a range of initiatives to develop resilience against the impacts of climate change, reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions and support climate change opportunities.
In January 2023, Pilbara Ports signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Port of Himeji to increase renewable energy trade opportunities between Western Australia and Japan.
With the Port of Himeji one of the largest importers of LNG exported from one of our ports, an opportunity was identified to explore port infrastructure and initiatives to support decarbonisation.
This MOU will support cooperation and knowledge exchange between the two ports on renewable energy and net zero carbon emission initiatives.
Ministerial media release - Port MOU to drive energy opportunities with Japan
Pilbara Ports and Yara Clean Ammonia signed a Collaboration Agreement in July 2022 to undertake a feasibility study into ammonia bunkering in the Pilbara.
In October 2022, Lloyd’s Register were selected to undertake the feasibility study.
This is an important step on the path towards a net zero shipping industry and will assess potential demand, feasibility, infrastructure requirements and safety considerations.
The execution of the study is expected to take at least 12 months.
Media release - Pilbara Region Moves Towards Ammonia Bunkering
Media release - Lloyd’s Register to investigate Pilbara potential for ammonia as a clean shipping fuel
Pilbara Ports has partnered with RightShip to implement a Maritime Emissions Portal at each of our ports.
The portal is the first of its kind in Western Australia and provides modelled estimates of air emissions derived from commercial vessels operating in our ports.
The aim is to better understand marine-based emissions and over time identify opportunities to implement policies and initiatives to reduce emissions.
Further information about the Maritime Emissions Portal can be found on RightShip’s website.
Pilbara Ports conducts its business ethically and in accordance with the highest standards of corporate governance.
Pilbara Ports Modern Slavery Statement outlines the steps we have taken to ensure the effective management of modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains.