Tropical Low 11U
09:00, Saturday 18 January 2025 (AWST)
As at 05:00 on Saturday, 18 January 2025, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) advises Tropical Low 11U is located northeast of Port Hedland.
The system has a high chance of developing into a tropical cyclone on Sunday as it moves in a general west or west-southwest direction parallel north of the Pilbara coast.
The system is expected to continue to intensify during Sunday, and by Monday, 11U is expected to have intensified into a Category 3 cyclone. By this time the cyclone is expected to be located well to the west of Exmouth and continuing to southwest, away from the coast.
Pilbara Ports has closed the Port of Port Hedland as at 09:00 on Saturday, 18 January 2025.
All port inner anchorages are to leave by 18:00.
All recreational vessel owners must safely secure their vessels for cyclonic conditions.
For the latest cyclone warnings visit
In 2024 Pilbara Ports received final approval under Section 133(1) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to construct and operate a southern wharf extension to the Dampier Cargo Wharf at the Port of Dampier (2022/09237). Compliance with the conditions of the permit will be managed under a Construction Environmental Management Plan.
Pilbara Ports is approved to conduct capital dredging in accordance with an approved Dredge Environmental Management Plan and associated Sea Dumping Permit, issued by the Commonwealth environmental regulator under the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981.
Capital dredging will be required to construct the Dampier Bulk Handling Facility.
An Annual Compliance Report (ACR) is required under Condition 24 of Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999 approval (EPBC 2022/09237) for the Dampier Cargo Wharf (DCW) Extension and Landside Redevelopment Project (DCWELR) by the 27th December each year.
Pilbara Ports conducts maintenance dredging in the Port of Dampier in accordance with an approved long-term dredge management plan and associated sea dumping permit, which is issued by the Commonwealth environmental regulator under the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981.
Pilbara Ports is required to report annually to the regulator for this activity.
In 2011, Pilbara Ports was granted environmental approvals under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (State) and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) to develop the Dampier Marine Services Facility.
Once constructed, this multi-user general and specialised cargo loading and unloading facility will provide additional services to new and existing Port of Dampier customers in addition to those offered by the adjacent Dampier Cargo Wharf.
Pilbara Ports has made available the environmental referral information that supported the initial application for this project.
Pilbara Ports is required to report annually to the state environmental regulator (Office of the Environmental Protection Authority) for this project.