Pilbara Ports Eastern Harbour Port Facility emergency siren is tested every Tuesday morning at 9:00am.
The sound and tone of the emergency siren test is as follows:
Pilbara Ports Utah Bulk Loading Facility emergency siren is tested on the first day of each month at 10:00am.
Pilbara Ports has implemented a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan to effectively manage emergencies within port limits. This plan:
In the event of an oil spill, Pilbara Ports is required to provide emergency response planning and capabilities to protect land and marine resources surrounding the Port of Port Hedland.
Oil pollution response, equipment deployment training and exercise programs are held frequently throughout the year.
Cyclone events may be experienced within the west Pilbara region during cyclone season, which runs from November to April.
In the event of a cyclone impacting the area, regular briefings are posted to Pilbara Ports website to notify ships of potential disruptions, port closures and re-opening times.
Masters should familiarise themselves with Pilbara Ports Cyclone Response Procedure and ensure every precaution is taken to minimise impacts should a cyclone eventuate.
Port communications (24/7) P: 08 9160 6830 or 08 9160 6881
Security gatehouse eastern harbour (24/7) P: 08 9173 9043 M: 0418 424 359
Security gatehouse Utah (24/7) P: 08 9173 8911 M: 0417 412 950
Police and emergency services P: 000 VHF: Channel 12 or 16