Pilbara Ports is committed to ensuring the safety and health of all personnel at our facilities.
Our Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) department works closely with all personnel working for, or on behalf of, Pilbara Ports and wider port users to ensure:
Refer to the below pages for any additional site-specific requirements that may apply to your work:
Port of Ashburton - Landside Documents
Port of Ashburton - Permits and Procedures
Port of Dampier - Landside Documents
Port of Dampier - Permits and Procedures
Port of Port Hedland - Landside Documents
Port of Port Hedland - Permits and Procedures
All personnel accessing Pilbara Ports controlled areas and undertaking Pilbara Ports controlled works are required to comply with these procedures. This includes employees, contractors, licensees and visitors.
P: 1300 100 772 E: HealthandSafety@pilbaraports.com.au