Our ports connect the possibilities of the Pilbara to the world so our customers and communities thrive.
View our Annual Report, which provides a detailed overview of Pilbara Ports operational and financial performance during the last financial year.
With large ships constantly entering and leaving our ports, it's up to you as a responsible skipper to ensure you and your passengers remain safe.
Local residents are invited to register their interest in becoming a member of Pilbara Ports Community Consultation Committee at either the Port of Dampier or Port of Port Hedland.
Shipmasters’ attention is drawn to the multiple seabed gas pipelines within the Port of Ashburton and the newly established 1NM anchoring prohibited areas either side of these pipelines.
Advice on Exclusion Zones regarding Dangerous good transfer and blasting operations
Mariners are advised that there is an upward trend of cooling related main engine slowdowns due to blockage of seawater strainers. Currently a mass spawning of crustaceans gathering under ships in the Western Anchorages being drawn into ships cooling water intakes.
Pilbara Ports delivered a total monthly throughput of 66.2 million tonnes (Mt) for December 2024.
The Lumsden Point expansion is on track to create jobs and trade opportunities in Port Hedland with two key contracts awarded by Pilbara Ports.
Pilbara Ports delivered a total monthly throughput of 67 million tonnes (Mt) in November 2024.
Port Hedland's Spoilbank Marina has officially opened, marking a new era for the Pilbara community and delivering on a key WA Labor election commitment.
Our people are the key to Pilbara Ports current and future success. Pilbara Ports is proud of the talent and diversity of our people.
We seek people who strive for excellence in all they do, and seek out opportunities for growth and development. Explore our opportunities and discover what it's like to work in the Pilbara below.
See current vacancies
Living in the Pilbara