Tropical Cyclone Sean
As at 05:00 on 20 January 2025, the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) advises Tropical Cyclone Sean is moving away from the Port of Port Hedland.
Tropical Cyclone Sean will continue moving west this morning, parallel to the Pilbara coast and strengthen before turning to the southwest and move away from the coast.
Pilbara Ports has resumed operations at the Port of Port Hedland.
No further updates will be provided for the Port of Port Hedland.
For the latest cyclone warnings visit
The multi-user port and strategic industrial area accommodates LNG and other hydrocarbon-based processing and natural gas processing for Western Australia’s domestic gas supply.
Shipmasters’ attention is drawn to the multiple seabed gas pipelines within the Port of Ashburton and the newly established 1NM anchoring prohibited areas either side of these pipelines.
upward trend of cooling related main engine slowdowns due to blockage of seawater strainers. Currently a mass spawning of crustaceans gathering under ships in the Western Anchorages being drawn into ships cooling water intakes
Pilbara Ports has seen an increase of ME slowdowns, restrictions in RPM increase from ships when required. Contributing cause, is a lack of understanding of operators within the port around engine power limitations
Pilbara Ports delivered a total monthly throughput of 66.2 million tonnes (Mt) for December 2024.
The Lumsden Point expansion is on track to create jobs and trade opportunities in Port Hedland with two key contracts awarded by Pilbara Ports.
Pilbara Ports delivered a total monthly throughput of 67 million tonnes (Mt) in November 2024.
Port Hedland's Spoilbank Marina has officially opened, marking a new era for the Pilbara community and delivering on a key WA Labor election commitment.
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